Video Blog

Sometimes starting is not enough.

Having someone to tug and challenge you to keep going makes a world of difference. As part of my passion in life to see people live life authentically and accomplish extraordinary things, I gave birth to Monday Morning Empowerment in January 2017. It’s a Facebook Live and YouTube show that is viewed by several hundred people and listened to on a few internet radio stations.

“Bigger Than Me”

Have you ever been so excited about making a difference in your family that you blurt out, “I’m going be the one to do it!” You can sense that you are the one God is using to change the course of generational lack... You can see yourself excelling at ministry, business, or entrepreneurship. Well, you invited just yourself to glory! Take a listen to “Bigger Than Me” and find out how.

“Try Again”

You’re here by design. Everything God created you to be and do is inside of you. You are a walking production line. So let’s do this thing! Let’s start with a new approach! Let’s take the leap of faith and…Try Again.

“It’s A Win-Win”

Our world has changed. Life has taken a turn that has left all of us in question. Will this stop? Will life go back to normal? But there is light at the end of the tunnel--God. He has given a life where we can be in a win-win To live is Christ, to die is gain.


View more Monday Morning Empowerment videos.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

—Arthur Ashe